Use the following positive statements in your self-hypnosis recording and listen to it as you go to sleep and when you wake up. Let both your subconscious and conscious mind benefit from listening your self-hypnosis recording.
- I AM EFFECTIVE. Effectiveness is one of the most greatly desired qualities from a working individual, and that's why you need to convince yourself you have the power to get things done, no matter what's being asked of you.
- I AM EFFICIENT. There are a lot of times in work that you'll have to perform certain tasks while facing great odds. Efficiency will allow you to complete these tasks even if you have limited time and resources. Efficiency can also be seen in the way you complete tasks for lower costs than usual. If you're efficient, you'll definitely have an easier way climbing the ladder to career success.
- I AM PROFESSIONAL. Being professional means a lot of things and you need to be all those things. Being professional means doing your best to serve your customers and knowing where and when to draw the line between your personal life and career.
- I MEET MY DEADLINES. There's no type of work that doesn't involve deadlines. It's actually a part of life in general, and one way or another, you'll need to meet deadlines of sorts. Convincing yourself that you can meet your deadlines will make you willing to start working earlier than usual or being proactive. It will also make you more punctual and prevent you from losing your cool even when your deadline's getting near.
- I CAN HANDLE PRESSURE. Telling yourself this statement will make you able to manage your stress levels admirably. Stress is one of your hardest enemies in the job, and if you don't know how to relax yourself and stay calm even when pressure at the workplace mounts, there's little chance that you'll be promoted to the next career level.
- I CAN LEAD. Leadership is something you need to display once in a while and especially if you want to go up the career ladder. You need to prove to your superiors that you can be someone other people can look up to. The prospect of leading is however scary for some because just like Spiderman, you need to shoulder greater responsibilities. But that's okay because you can lead, just like your self-hypnosis statement says you can.
- I CAN WORK WELL WITH OTHER PEOPLE. The partner to leadership is the ability to work well with others. Even a man in a position of power and authority needs the ability to work well with his peers and subordinates if he wants to get the job done quickly and effectively. That's why you need to convince yourself that not only can you lead, but you also have the ability to cooperate with other people.
- I WORK HARD. Being diligent is different from people who work quickly because they find their jobs easy. If you're diligent, this means you give your 100% effort to the task at hand.
- I ACCEPT CRITICISM CONSTRUCTIVELY. Being too sensitive to criticism won't do you any good. You must learn how to accept your mistakes and learn from it. Listening to other people speak about your negative traits is painful, but it's something that will help you in the long-term.
- I GROW. A person who doesn't improve mentally and maturing emotionally and psychologically will not be promoted because his capabilities are only suitable for rank and file levels. If you want to succeed in your career, you need to grow.
- I DESERVE TO SUCCEED. End your self-hypnosis recording with this simple statement. If you don't believe that you deserve success in your career then how can you convince yourself that it will happen? You need to believe in what you can do and that you deserve what you wish if anything positive is to happen.
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